7 February 2011

Coursework Idea Synopsis

Ive decided to go along with my second idea. It's a lot more appropriate than my other ideas, and hopefully its a bit different to what is usually done by other people who complete the course.

Band History
The trio first got together in their third year of High School after they found out they each had similar life goals as well as similar music tastes to make their life goals more achievable together.

Afer the band formed, they  frequently met up and began to explore each of their tealents and the extent of which they can go.

Now they are still together and still just as determined to make it into the big music world as they were this time 3 years ago.


A band who practice at a local youth and enjoy socialising together and with their other friends from oputside the band are trying to crack the music industry. They are aware of how hard it can be but motivation levels are high throughout the band giving them the will power to fight to try and grab that once in a lifetime oppurtunirty for them to get signed by a record label. The band try everything; they send out hand written letters, electronically typed letters, emails, CD of some of their work including both covers and their own music. They've tried everything but they keep getting rejected and being told to stick at it and that their time will come.
The singer of band recieves another rejection letter from a record label, another one that gets added to the pile of many that they have already recieved. She notifies the other members of the band and while on the phone to one of them, she tells them that she's starting to see the end of the bands life. She explains to them that shes close to giving up and she doesn't want to continue living a lie. Her fellow band mate reassures her and persuades her to keep going, and promises her that the band will pull together and work even harder than they are already to make sure that the band make it into the music industry.
The band go out again sticking up posters on every tree and on every lampost. The owner of a small venue phones them to tell them about a gig he is holding at his venue, where small local bands can perform in hope of giving out numbers and contact details to various record companies in hope of getting signed.The band go along to the night, and after the gig they exit from the venue with all of them being in a happy and optimistic mood both about their lives and the future of their band. 

Following on from this, will be a screen showing the bands successes over the last 15 years, showing a range of CD album covers they have done, figures of how many albums sold, countries they've toured in, other famous people they have worked with.

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